Double Feature: Happy New Years! Resolutions

January 02, 2016 • 2 comments

Since I was sick and missed two weeks of entries, I decided to make today a double feature! Somehow over the break and everything, I ended up with lots of laundry to do, so I'm starting off 2016 by getting around to it.
2015 was the year that I finally started getting serious about my wish to dress cute every day. This year I'd like to continue that goal with as much energy and passion as the last!

I've learned a lot over the past year about fashion and how to present myself. Overall, I think I've discovered the value in dressing exactly how I want to. I didn't realize what a confidence booster it would be when I first started, but putting the time and effort into my appearance to the point that I can look at myself and think "Hey, I'm pretty cute today" makes my whole day better. I think on top of that, things like makeup and coordinating force me to spend some time to myself, it's almost a little meditative! Even just doing the laundry has become an expression of self-love, since I spend more time separating my clothing, and it always looks really pretty when I hang my Liz Lisa clothes up to dry.

So, here are some of my plans and goals for 2016
Anime Los Angeles 2016
Fanime 2016
Anime Expo 2016
weekly blog posts
start uploading dance covers sometimes
dress cute as much as possible for the rest of winter
build up a fully functioning Spring wardrobe
take more OOTD photos and selfies in general
learn more about skincare and makeup
start painting my nails cute
start saving up for a trip to Japan in 2017, and become more responsible with my money overall

Wow, I guess that wasn't a very long post at all was it? Well, I think it made sense to break it up into two posts, anyway.
I'd love to hear about your new years resolutions, so post a link in the comments if you wrote a similar entry, or some of your personal goals if you didn't.

Have a great 2016 everyone!
See you next week!

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  1. "Dress cute for the rest of winter" Yeaaah i made that one too but then the exact day i had to go back to the outside world i was in full hobo mode in a giant blue sweater with my face hidden behind a scarf OTL. You have more courage than i do.

    1. Truth be told, after writing this post I was bogged down with one responsibility or task after another, and I've also been dressing relatively hoboish myself. But, I'm gearing up for next season and I'm optimistic that I'll be able to stick to this for next time. I bet you can too!
