Recent Purchases: My Growing Army of Cute Clothes! [Liz Lisa + Ank Rouge]

September 08, 2015 • No comments

Hello everyone! It's been crazy hot here lately! For a moment there it got a bit chilly, and I was worried that Summer was ending with only a few pieces for my summer wardrobe... but this heat is making me feel there is still plenty of space in my closet for warm weather clothes. 
I was feeling optimistic about the wearability of my wardrobe, even though I have so much space for more items, but after taking it with me on a trip, I discovered that while I do have some great individual items, I'm still lacking a functional wardrobe. I realize that I need more of everything, but I think I'm especially in need of shirts and skirts! Hopefully the heat lets up enough in the next few days. I have a lot of cute fabric that I want to turn into skirts! But right now I just feel like I'm melting... even online shopping has been difficult. Anyway, I don't see an end to this heat so I'll just stop writing ineloquently and show you all what I've bought recently!

eBay Finds!

Liz Lisa Pink Floral Dress
White Lace Dress

White Lace Skirt

Pink Floral Skirt
I've been really getting in the swing of things with eBay lately. I've been checking for new Liz Lisa listings every day, my watch list keeps growing and growing! For a while I was really afraid of auctions, but after winning the white lace dress, I wish that more things would go up for auction. It was really fun counting down to the last minute to place my bid, and I was excited when I won. I was really excited about winning the Liz Lisa dress, since I'd been drooling over it for over a month now. It's just so cute and I think it'll tie in so well into fall as well. I was really torn between the pink and brown version, but I think I made a good decision.
I've been having a really hard time finding cheap skirts to fill up my wardrobe with, but I like the two that I've found so far, and thankfully skirts aren't all too hard to make myself either. It's a little hard to tell but the pink skirt has little flowers all over it. I love that it almost looks like polka dots from far away.

Gyaru Community Sales

Ank Rouge Blouse

Liz Lisa Light Blue Dress
On top of browsing eBay, a friend of mine also introduced me to a Live Journal Gyaru sales community with lots of really cute clothes. My biggest struggle here and also in Facebook sales communities has been finding people from within the US, since international shipping can really add up. But I found these two on there the other day and was really excited. I really need more of these casual blouses, and the light blue dress is absolutely adorable. Worn as-is, it'll be great for hot summer days, and come fall I think it would look great with some tall boots and a cardigan! The seller was really patient with me as I got my eBay account set up again. I'm really looking forward to receiving these items.

Thrift Stores

Bow Tie Chiffon Blouse
Although finding hime-able clothing at thrift stores is somewhat rare, I've still been scouting them out and managed to find this nice chiffon blouse. This was actually one of the few things I had initially expected to find at thrift stores easily, but when I started actually looking they absolutely disappeared! So I was really excited to find one, but on top of that this one fits me almost perfectly. My only complaint is the arms fall a bit awkwardly below my elbows, but that will be a really easy fix once I pull out my sewing machine again.

Looks like my wardrobe is starting to pull together! My eBay watch list is full of items, and I've got plenty of sewing projects once this heat lets up, so I'm really excited to start getting to the point that my wardrobe becomes wearable.
I hope I don't melt before my next update!

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