【workouts】Sailor Moon Step Ups

January 13, 2024 • No comments

As part of my weight loss initiative, I knew I would need to find some exercises that I can easily do at home while distracted by other things. Gym memberships, fitness classes, even just going for walks in the park all eventually fail me after the initial spark of motivation. All of these things can be fun in small doses but I knew they wouldn't be the backbone of my long term progress.

In college when I had a gym on campus I had the most success watching anime on the elliptical. For a while I've thought, it would be so nice if I could figure out something like that without having to leave the house! Well, of course I don't have space for an elliptical here. I thought about getting a treadmill, but even the under desk ones can be quite loud and bulky, and I honestly never liked the treadmills even at the gym. I also think the diet and fitness industry as a whole is really manipulative and I didn't want to fall into the trap of thinking I can lose weight just by throwing money at it. I mean, my body builds muscle and burns calories for free literally every day, so I should definitely be able to make at least some progress without it...

Then I started thinking about what kind of workouts I could do with what I already had. I do have a yoga mat, but I was never able to stick with it for more than a few weeks at a time before. Watching anime while doing yoga is definitely beyond me. I always see ads on insta for HIIT fitness programs like "do this 10 minute exercise every day to lose 20lbs in a week!" which sounds nice in theory, but I just don't know the first thing about it or how to judge which ones are bullshit 

Well, I finally landed on something that ticks these boxes! I present to you, PJ-Hime's extremely high tech home gym:

Yup, it's my kitchen step stool! I've been setting this up in front of my standing desk (both items I already had at home ✓) and do step ups while watching an episode of anime. My goal right now is to watch all of pre-Crystal era Sailor Moon, by the time I finish I will have finally caught up on a magical girl staple, but also completed almost 100 hours of cardio. That's like 40,000 calories!! 

My routine is very simple and I hope you'll try to follow along at home! I just make sure to alternate my left and rights so my leg muscles don't end up uneven LOL

I find this is a very rewarding exercise! I work up a sweat easily by the time the opening credits are done, by the halfway eyecatch screen I already feel like I've done enough, but I never feel like I can't push through to the end. As long as Sailor Moon is fighting I'll keep fighting too!!

I'm having fun with it so far, so hopefully I'll do it more often from now on. Let me know in the comments what you think!

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