Wardrobe Building Part 4: Half a Decade Later...
August 21, 2020 •
capsule wardrobe
The last installation of my wardrobe building series was about 5 years ago! It feels like things have changed a lot since then, but also like they haven't changed at all

I never really got a satisfying conclusion to this blog series because looking back on it, building up a wardrobe is a long and slow process, and I'm still filling in the gaps! I think over the years I went through some pretty pivotal life transitions and my resolve to solidifying a capsule wardrobe fell off track. I never lost interest in the fashion and I did keep buying pieces a little bit at a time, and I think now with a more solidified sense of style, much better self confidence overall, as well as a little more expendable income at my disposal, I think I'm finally ready to dive back in and give this series another attempt!
Tops: (13)
Lizmelo tshirt
offbrand lettuce hem tshirt
Liz Lisa cutsew |
Uniqlo/DIY mock neck tshirt
Lodispotto blouse
Ank Rouge blouse
Liz Lisa top
Ank Rouge blouse
ems excite blouse |
MA*RS mock neck top
ems excite mock neck top
RETRO GIRL mock neck top
Ank Rouge turtleneck top
Sweaters/Jackets: (10)
Liz Lisa batwing cardigan
Axes Femme sweater
Ank Rouge sweater
Allamanda sweatshirt
offbrand sweatshirt
Lizmelo cold shoulder sweater
Ank Rouge sweater
Forever 21 sweater
Offbrand Sweater
Axes Femme coat
Bottoms: (13)
Liz Lisa strawberry sukapan
Liz Lisa floral sukapan
Ank Rouge angel cat skirt
Tralala Sailor Moon skirt
Offbrand cat shorts
Liz Lisa plaid sukapan
Emily Temple Cute ruffle skirt |
MILK moon skirt |
MA*RS heart suspender skirt
Ank Rouge fluffy pocket skirt
offbrand plaid skirt |
Liz Lisa long skirt
Lodispotto winter skirt |
Dresses and setups: (10)
Liz Lisa blue plaid dress
Lizmelo denim dress
Forever 21 lace dress
Liz Lisa sunflower setup
Liz Lisa pink dress
Liz Lisa jumper skirt |
Liz Lisa floral dress
Penderie cat jumper skirt
Lizmelo trench jumper skirt
offbrand Hello Kitty jumper skirt |
Shoes: (7)
(I had to use stock images for some of these since I'm extremely lazy about cleaning my shoes especially if they're used for daily wear lol)
I had to use stock images for some of these because I'm really bad at keeping my shoes clean  |
In total, excluding accessories and bags, this leaves my wardrobe at 53 items. Keep in mind this is all of my himekaji clothes, including winter items that I certainly won't be wearing any time soon. It's really fun to see all of my wardrobe layed out like this though! It's a pretty drastic improvement from where I was when I started building up my wardrobe 5 years ago, and I think it reflects the change in my lifestyle overall. Since I started this blog, I started my career as a programmer and also moved out on my own and settled into a much more stable lifestyle, so I've had a lot more freedom than I had as a student to figure myself out and chase after my goals.
A lot of these items I found secondhand on eBay, and I also visited Tokyo last winter, bringing back an entire second suitcase of clothes and trinkets

I think between eBay and my Tokyo trip, that actually covers where I got most of these clothes, although I am recently diving into shopping services and learning all about yahoo auctions and mercari.... more on that in future blog entries though! I think the only major difference in the way that I shop besides having the funds to occasionally indulge in new brand items has been the relative death of the gyaru sales community on livejournal. I don't know when I stopped checking exactly, but it looks like the last post was several years ago now. Rip gyaru sales. You served our community well!
I wish I could say that I took a methodical approach to building this wardrobe up, but really this was the result of slowly treating myself where I could afford to over the years, and I think for where I was in life that was a more reasonable approach. With all that being said, I think the result is that my wardrobe is still a little bit disjointed with a couple of gaps to fill in, so over the next few seasons I'd like to fine tune my collection to be much more cohesive! My plan in the future will be to circulate new (mostly used

) items into my wardrobe while cycling out pieces that I've outgrown or never really suited me to begin with. I announce it on my instagram story when sales go up, so definitely follow me and keep an eye out if any of this catches your eye!
The next step is to assemble all of this into a summer wardrobe. I have a mercari haul in the works as well as a small package I bought off instagram (which has either been trapped in customs or otherwise may have been stolen

), but other than that I'm planning on making do with mainly what's already in my collection as a starting point to see what items I need to prune.
See you then!
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